Crowdsourcing and museum futures update!

Over the past few weeks I’ve been developing different streams of the past two arguements; crowdsourcing design and the future of the museum. Following an event which I organised with AIMIA in Melbourne, Anthill suggested a piece for their magazine. The subsequent article: Is Crowdsourcing killing traditional design practice was published on 1st Sept and has received a fair bit of comment. I’m particularly interested to explore the potential for designers to expand their practice and capacity through social networks! ABC Radio By Design has invited me to speak on 7th October. I’m pretty keen to get more comments on the value of this concept so please feel free to add your thoughts!

On another tact, ABC Radio National’s Future Tense program aired part one of the Future of Museums series. Frank Howarth (Director of Australian Museum), Louise Douglas (General Manager, Audiences and Programs at the National Museum of Australia) and I spoke on issues of relevance and communication. Thanks to the ABC for this opportunity! You can download the podcast and/or transcript at
Part Two airs on 10th Sept at 8:30am!

Over the next few months there are many papers to write and I look forward to your feedback on all of these issues!

4 Responses to “Crowdsourcing and museum futures update!”

  1. 1 Lynda Kelly September 11, 2009 at 4:15 pm

    Thanks for these posts. I have blogged about them here also:

    The CAISE report may be of some interes to you (the link is in the blog post).

  2. 3 Angelina October 13, 2009 at 3:06 pm

    and if you’re interested in some more, visit for a podcast on the impact of crowdsourcing on design practice!

  3. 4 sunil singh December 7, 2015 at 9:58 pm

    we provide best app developers related to museum, if you have to make your own app related to museum then fell free to conatact us on our website

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This blog examines social media, cultural institutions and digital participation. It's based on the research projects Engaging with Social Media in Museums and New Literacy, New Audiences. Regular contributors are Angelina Russo, Lynda Kelly and Seb Chan


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